Remembrance Day Poetry

Eltham Creative Writing
2 min readNov 8, 2022
Photo by Laurentiu Iordache on Unsplash

A new dawn of piercing sunlight blinked over the country,

Another day, born from the ashes of sacrifice,

Remembrance Day.

The rolling blankets of scarlet fields,

A sight of reminding, to show us what they gave,

Each poppy a scarlet crest, concealing a core of hardship.

Each life so precious, and many lives gone.

As the sky yields to the cloaking of night time darkness,

And the crimson kills turn brown and then grey,

The blood shed of red colour dies away.

Aaron Crossan

Standing in the rain

The silence fills the years

The priest saying prayers

People looking down in sadness

Poppies filling the memorials

The white crosses cleaner than stone

As the priest gives the prayers, the rain stops

Then the sun fills the sky

Tony Tonchev

A glowing sphere rises solemnly over the horizon.

The lines of grave are illuminated in silent formation.

Each identical cross stands proudly over the countryside.

Fields of scarlet run over the hilltops surround the cemetery.

The little crimson poppies swaying as one in the chilling November breeze.

Beautiful, serene mountains shelter the unearthly clearing,

In the nearby village the sinister silence is also obvious.

Men, women and children stand in regimented silence.

Every single unmoving silhouette remembering,

Remembering those who fought for their freedom.

Nathan Crossan


Silence falls when we remember

Mountains of poppies

In the crimson-stained ground.

Darkness has fallen to welcome a new dawn

Two stone columns

The monumental truth.

People we have lost,

The first rays of sunlight,

As we remember,

Lest we forget.

Olivia Li

